The first Monday in September is nationally recognized as Labor Day. We all enjoy a three-day weekend and see the holiday as the symbolic end of summer and maybe our last chance to get out of town. But, behind this extended break from work or school, a time of parties and parades, is a tribute to the hard-fought social and economic contributions and achievements of the American worker.
Labor Day originated at the height of America’s Industrial Revolution, a dark time for worker’s rights, when very few regulations existed to support fair wages, reasonable hours, or workers’ age limits. Workplace conditions were horrid, child labor was rampant, and there was no such thing as workers’ compensation lawyers (not yet).
Raised tempers and demonstrations during a particularly bad recession in the late 19th century caused congress, under President Grover Cleveland, to pass an act declaring the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday in the United States*. So, while Labor Day marks the end of summer for most Americans, remember that it is really about the struggle and accomplishments of American workers that led to such things as injured worker rights and social security benefits.
At The Walthew Law Firm, our workers’ compensation and social security disability lawyers in Seattle and Everett go to bat for working men and women throughout Washington state. We have been representing hardworking people for more than 75 years.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced lawyers in Seattle or Everett regarding a personal injury claim or workers’ compensation benefits, please contact The Walthew Law Firm today.
*Canada celebrates Labour Day at the same time as the U.S.