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Premises Liability


Car Accident


Car Accident


Car Accident


Car Accident

Local Car Accident Lawyer

The number of negligent drivers is on the rise. It has been estimated that one out of every four accidents can be linked to using a cell phone while driving. This estimate includes texting, looking at apps and making phone calls. If you have been in an automobile accident because of another’s negligence, you are going to pay the consequences for their poor decisions for a long time. Once the accident scene has been cleared away, the long-term consequences begin. You may be facing hospital bills, physical therapy, lost wages from work, and changes in your daily life. You may even suffer the loss of a loved one. Your whole world can be changed because of the bad decisions of another driver. Instead of working through the stress alone, The Walthew Law Firm is here to help you navigate the troubled waters of the legal system. We work to reduce your stress because we assist you throughout the process of getting the compensation you deserve. If you have been involved in an auto accident in Tacoma, our legal team is ready to give you the representation you need to begin the process of resolution.

Contact The Walthew Law Firm

Having the right people on your side can change everything. You need a proactive, dedicated legal team who will assist in you getting the compensation you need to move through this difficult time in your life. Our Tacoma auto accident attorneys have a proven record. We understand the legal system and the steps that need to be taken after an auto accident. One of the biggest differences you will find with The Walthew Law Firm is that we listen. We listen because we want to know you and understand your specific needs. That is the key to being a good attorney. Our team of legal professionals works closely with you to better understand your case and obtain the best possible outcome. You shouldn’t have to worry about lost wages or having your medical bills paid. That is why you need The Walthew Law Firm. With us on your side, you get third-party car accident attorneys that have years of experience working through legal issues. When you hire us, you are putting our extensive years of work experience to work for you. If you want dedicated representation, you need to contact our Tacoma auto accident lawyers.

Inflation, economic indicators, and other factors affect the cost of living in Washington State. These factors also impact workers’ compensation benefits. Time loss and pension benefits are intended to provide financial support for injured workers. Rising prices reduce the value of your benefits. To help alleviate this problem, the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) implements a cost of living adjustment (COLA) in July of most years. The workers’ compensation cost of living adjustment for 2023 became effective on July 1 and will run through June 30, 2024.

As a result of the COLA increase, your time loss and pension benefits should increase. There is typically cause for concern if there is no increase in your benefits. You should consult with a Seattle workers’ compensation attorney who can explain the laws and take legal action as necessary to protect your rights.

There are four points you should be aware of about COLA under Washington State workers’ comp laws.

1. COLA for 2023: Washington state officials are required to re-evaluate benefit amounts annually using the state average wage as a measurement. The COLA for 2023 is 2.01 percent. The basis for the increase amount is that the state average wage increased from $82,508 to $84,167.

2. Workers’ Comp Benefits Affected by the 2023 COLA: You can expect changes to your benefits beginning July 1, 2023, although it may take a short period of time to see the adjustment in your time loss or pension payment. The adjustments include:

● Time Loss: If you receive benefits for time-loss compensation, the amount is based upon a percentage of your wage at the time of injury. The percentage varies from 60 percent for a single worker to 75 percent for a married worker with five children at the time of injury. When the COLA increases, there will be a corresponding increase in your time loss rate. The time loss rate is capped at 120 percent of the state average wage. Starting July 1, the maximum monthly amount for time loss is $8,416.70.

 L&I Pension Benefits: There are benefits for injured workers who cannot return to work, and you may be familiar with the term permanent total disability. COLA will affect the amounts for L&I pensions, including family members who receive benefits after a fatal workplace accident.

● Loss of Earning Power (LEP): When your medical condition still allows you to work, though, with limitations, you receive LEP compensation for the difference in earnings. The loss must be greater than 5 percent to be eligible. In some cases, the COLA will affect the amount you receive for LEP benefits.

3. Who Qualifies for Cost of Living 2023: Those receiving the benefits described above are eligible, though there is nothing you need to do to take advantage of COLA. However, you will not see changes if you were injured recently and are just starting to receive workers’ compensation benefits. The COLA increase does not apply the first year following an industrial injury.

4. Disputes Over COLA: As mentioned, you should see a COLA increase in your workers’ comp benefits for time loss, L&I pension, or LEP compensation within the next month if you have not already received the increase. The Department will pay the increase back to July 1, 2023. If you believe there is an error in your COLA increase, it is important to reach out to an attorney. You are entitled to proper workers’ comp benefits, including amounts tied to COLA.

Set Up a Free Consultation with a Seattle Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today

This information about the Cost of Living adjustment may be useful, but it is critical to work with experienced legal counsel if you have concerns about your workers’ comp benefits. For personalized details about COLA, please call The Walthew Law Firm or contact us online to schedule a no-cost case review. Our Washington workers’ comp attorneys serve injured workers in King County, Pierce County, Snohomish County, Kitsap County, and Pierce County from our offices in Seattle and Everett, WA.

Third-Party Work-Related Car Accident Lawyers in Tacoma

Since we are personal injury attorneys and trial lawyers, we understand the process and can get your case moving toward favorable resolution. The last thing you want is to have delays and stagnation. You have a lot to deal with. We remove the stress of fighting the legal system because we want you to be able to focus on healing and recovery. You can count on us to remove the roadblocks and give you the feeling that can only come with good representation. You don’t have to be alone during this time of difficulty. We are here to fight for you. We focus on getting you the compensation you need so you can put the accident behind you and work to better your life. Depending on your specific situation, we can help you with the following types of compensation:

  • Lost Income
  • Damages
  • Medical bills
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Pain, suffering and emotional distress
  • Permanent disability
  • Death of a loved one
  • Loss of consortium

We have experience with third-party liability claims. If you drive as part of your job, and you get into an accident, you may be able to file a workers’ compensation claim. Since you are an injured worker, you may be entitled to file a third-party liability claim against the person who caused, or contributed to, your accident. We look into every aspect of your case because we want you to get the compensation you are entitled to so you can focus on your life and your recovery.

Contact The Walthew Law Firm

With The Walthew Law Firm, you are getting a team of professionals who will work to assemble and understand all the details specific to your case. When disaster strikes, you need a dedicated personal injury attorney. You deserve to have legal representation from The Walthew Law Firm. Give us a call today and schedule your free consultation.

Our clients are saying:

“I just wanted to reiterate how excited we are for how everything worked out in this fight for a lifetime pension. We are very grateful for all the hard work you and Patrick have put in working on this case for such a long time and being able to prevail! That you very much again!”


“Words cannot express how grateful we are for your help in our L&I case. I am confident we could not have secured better representation.”


“I want to let you know that I truly appreciate all the efforts you put into ensuring that I received what is due to me. I really thank you for your thoughtfulness, care and kind words.”


“There are no words to express my gratitude for all the help you have given me during this part of my journey over the many years. The Walthew Law Firm lawyers and office people are the very best.”


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Offices in Seattle and Everett.

Talk to an attorney to get free advice about your claim.


Mailing Address
PO Box 34645
Seattle, WA 98124-1645
*Packages and overnight deliveries should be shipped to the Seattle physical address.

Seattle Office
3000 1st Avenue
Seattle, WA 98121

Everett Office
2906 Colby Ave | Suite 101
Everett, WA 98201

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