Tim came to our office earlier this year about his workers’ compensation claim. He had suffered
a pretty serious injury to his ankle and leg and had surgery. His claim was opened, he received
time loss compensation, and had returned to work. Even though he had surgery, the Department
of Labor & Industries closed his claim without the opinion of a doctor about the extent of
permanent damage from his injury.
When the Department closed his claim, we did a thorough review of Tim’s medical information.
Based on the continued problems with his ankle and leg and the opinions of his doctors, we
protested claim closure. After our protest, the Department scheduled Tim for an examination.
As we expected, the doctor found that Tim had suffered a permanent injury to his ankle and leg
and rated his permanent impairment. The Department accepted the doctor’s rating and re-closed
Tim’s claim with a permanent partial disability (PPD) award.
This is just one example of how we have been able to help injured workers obtain their benefits.
In this case, a claims manager at the Department took the easy road and closed a claim without
a medical opinion. We knew that to be wrong and took action. As a result, one of our clients
received a PPD payment he would not have received without our assistance.
We offer free consultations and free review of a claim file. If you have a friend or family
member who has a workers’ comp claim, suggest they call our office for a free consultation.
Tell them not to be “penny wise and pound foolish.” Get the opinion of a qualified attorney.
There’s too much to lose not to call.
Please contact us with any questions at: 206-623-5311 or 1-866-WALTHEW (925-8439)